Source code for piclap._listener

import re
import os
import sys
from time import sleep
import _thread as thread
from array import array
import pyaudio
import statistics as stat

from ._settings import Settings
from ._processor import SignalProcessor

[docs]class Listener(): """Describes methods which are called by user for the initialisation of the PyAudio module to stream microphone input. :param config: An object of :class:`Settings` which is used for configuring the module, defaults to None :type config: class: :class:`Settings` :param bool calibrate: If the flag is set, the chunk size is calibrated, defaults to True :var config: Store the `Settings` object :vartype config: class: `Settings` :var input: Store the `PyAudio` object :vartype input: class: `pyaudio.PyAudio` :var stream: Open a new input audio stream and store the stream object :vartype stream: class: `pyaudio.Stream` :var int claps: Store current value of claps counted and initially set to `0` :var lock: Store the thread lock :vartype lock: thread.lock :var processor: Store the `Processor` object :vartype processor: class: `SignalProcessor` """ def __init__(self, config=None, calibrate=True): """Constructor method""" self.config = config or Settings() """If the :attr:`config` parameter is ``None``, an object of :class:`Settings` is assigned""" self.claps = 0 """**default:** ``0`` This class property contains the current count of claps detected""" self.lock = thread.allocate_lock() self.device = Device(self.config, calibrate) """Stores an :class:`Device` object which initialise :obj:`PyAudio` with calibration and manages the audio interface""" self.processor = SignalProcessor(method=self.config.method) """Initialised with an :class:`SignalProcessor` object using the signal processing method found inside :attr:`config`""" self.confirm()
[docs] def clapWait(self, clap): """Start waiting for a small duration of time recursively until no more new claps are detected :param int clap: Number of claps found at the time of wait initialised """ sleep(self.config.wait) if self.claps > clap: self.clapWait(self.claps)
[docs] def listenClaps(self, threadName): """This method runs on a child thread with :attr:`lock` when :attr:`claps` equals ``1`` and reset the class property :attr:`claps` to ``0`` when execution is finished :param str threadName: Name of the child thread started """ with self.lock: print("Waiting for claps...") self.clapWait(self.claps) action = 'on' + str(self.claps) + 'Claps' if action in self.config.actions: getattr(self.config, action)() print("You clapped", self.claps, "times.\n") self.claps = 0
def __printInfo(self): print("Default Device\t\t:", self.device.defaultDevice['name']) print("Channels\t\t:", self.config.channels) print("Chunk size\t\t:", self.config.chunk_size, "bytes") print("Rate\t\t\t:", self.config.rate, "Hz") print("Clap wait\t\t:", self.config.wait, "sec") print("Algorithm selected\t:", print("Threshold Value\t\t:", self.config.method.value, "\n")
[docs] def confirm(self): while True: self.__printInfo() ask = input('Confirm(c) / Recalibrate(r) / Manual(m) / Quit(q)?[c/r/m/q](default is c): ') if'^[Cc]$|^$', ask): break elif'^[Rr]$', ask): print() self.device.calibrateBufferSize() elif'^[Mm]$', ask): t_value = input('Threshold value: ') self.config.method.value = int(t_value) elif'^[Qq]$', ask): sys.exit(0) else: print("Invalid input. Try again.\n")
[docs] def start(self): """When this method is called, the listener start reading binary data from stream and sreach for claps inside the chunks of data using :class:`SignalProcessor` until :attr:`Settings.exit` flag is ``True`` :raises: ``KeyboardInterrupt``: If **Control + C** is pressed on keyboard """ try: self.device.openStream() print("\nClap detection started") while not self.config.exit: try: data = self.device.readData() except (OSError, IOError): data = None if self.processor.findClap(data): self.claps += 1 if self.claps == 1 and not self.lock.locked(): thread.start_new_thread( self.listenClaps, ("ListenClaps",)) except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass self.stop()
[docs] def stop(self): """When this method is called, the listener stop listening by closing the stream safely and terminating the connection""" print("\rExiting") self.device.closeStream() del self.device
[docs]class Device: """Describes methods which are called by user for the initialisation of the PyAudio module to stream microphone input. :param config: An object of :class:`Settings` which is used for configuring the module, defaults to None :type config: class: :class:`Settings` :param bool calibrate: If the flag is set, the chunk size is calibrated, defaults to True :var config: Store the :class:`Settings` object :vartype config: class: `Settings` :var input: Store the `PyAudio` object :vartype input: class: `PyAudio` """ def __init__(self, config, calibrate): """Constructor method""" self.config = config self.input = pyaudio.PyAudio() self.maxSamples = [] os.system('clear') self.__setInputDevice() self.calibrateBufferSize(calibrate) # sys.exit(0) def __del__(self): """Terminate input connection from microphone when class object is deconstructed""" self.input.terminate() def __setInputDevice(self): """Test for host api and input device support. If the supported host api and input device are available, default input device information is set""" if self.input.get_host_api_count() < 1: print("No supported PortAudio Host APIs are found in your system") sys.exit(1) if self.input.get_device_count() < 1: print("No input audio device is found in your system") sys.exit(1) self.defaultDevice = self.input.get_default_input_device_info() self.config.channels = int(self.defaultDevice['maxInputChannels']) self.config.rate = int(self.defaultDevice['defaultSampleRate'])
[docs] def readData(self): """Reads a single chunk of binary data from stream""" return
[docs] def openStream(self): """Open as binary stream to receive audio signals from microphone""" =, channels=self.config.channels, rate=self.config.rate, input=True, frames_per_buffer=self.config.chunk_size)
[docs] def closeStream(self): """Close the audio stream"""
[docs] def calibrateBufferSize(self, enabled=True): """Calibrate the chunk size to a size which the user's system can process without any errors :param bool enabled: If :obj:`True`, calibration is done. Otherwise, it is not calibrated """ if enabled: calibrated = False totalSamples = 400 newChunkSize = self.config.chunk_size self.__printProgress(0, totalSamples) while not calibrated: try: self.openStream() for count in range(totalSamples): data = byte_stream = array('b', [0]) if data == None else data maximum = max(array('h', byte_stream)) self.maxSamples.append(maximum) self.__printProgress(count+1, totalSamples) calibrated = True except OSError as e: if'.+Input overflowed$', str(e)): newChunkSize = int(newChunkSize / 2) self.config.chunk_size = newChunkSize self.closeStream() self.setThreshold()
[docs] def setThreshold(self): """Set the threashold value to the most closest value where a clap is detected. (Not accurate)""" maximum = max(self.maxSamples) median = stat.median_high(self.maxSamples) inter_value = median * 3.141592653589793 value = stat.mean([inter_value,maximum]) self.config.method.value = int(value)
def __printProgress(self, iteration, total): """Print progressbar""" terminalSize = re.match("^[^0-9]*columns=([0-9]+), .*$", str(os.get_terminal_size())) length = int(int( - 24) if terminalSize else 75 percent = ("{0:.1f}").format(100 * (iteration / float(total))) filledLength = int(length * iteration // total) bar = '█' * filledLength + '_' * (length - filledLength) if iteration != total: sys.stdout.write(f'Calibrating: [{bar}] {percent}%\r') else: sys.stdout.write(f'Calibrating: [{bar}] {percent}%\nCalibration complete\n\n') sys.stdout.flush()