from munch import DefaultMunch as Objectify
[docs]class Settings:
"""This class describes all the configurations needed for the :class:`Listener` to work.
:var boolean exit: Exit flag the determine the exit state of :class:`Listener`
:var int rate: Bitrate at which input audio is streamed
:var int channels: Number of audio channels used by :class:`Listener`
:var int chunk_size: Frame count inside the audio buffer
:var float wait: Clap wait in seconds
:var method: The algorithm used for the detection of claps
:vartype method: class: `Munch`
:var actions: Collection of defined actions
:vartype actions: list(str)
def __init__(self):
"""Constructor method"""
self.exit = False
"""**default:** ``False``
Exit flag
self.rate = 44100
"""**default:** ``44100``
Number of audio samples collected in 1 second"""
self.channels = 1
"""**default:** ``1`` (Mono Channel)
Number of audio channel to listen"""
self.chunk_size = 1024
"""**default:** ``1024``
Number of frames in the input audio buffer"""
self.wait = 0.5
"""**default:** ``0.5``
Time duration to wait for claps to complete in :meth:`Listener.clapWait()`"""
self.method = Objectify.fromDict({
'name': 'threshold',
'value': 512
}, False)
"""**default:** :code:`{'name': 'threshold','value': 7000}`
Detection method used for identifing claps"""
self.actions = [m for m in dir(self) if m.startswith(
'on') and m.endswith('Claps')]
"""When the class initialised, it collects all the actions defined inside this class as well as any classes where are derived with this class as base class
**Condition:** *The method name defined should start with 'on' and end with 'Claps' with the clap count inbetween them.*
[docs] def on2Claps(self):
"""Action performed when 2 claps are detected."""
print("Flashed light")
[docs] def on3Claps(self):
"""Action performed when 3 claps are detected."""
print("Toggled light")
[docs] def on4Claps(self):
"""Action performed when 4 claps are detected. As default, :attr:`exit` flag is set to ``True`` if 4 claps are detected"""
self.exit = True
[docs] def updateMethod(self, method):
"""Update the method for detecting clap
:param dict method: A dict type parameter which defines a clap detection method
self.method = Objectify.fromDict(method, False)